Animals in the World
Animals are eukaryotic organisms (have a cell membrane), multicellular (have many cells), do not have cell walls, do not have chlorophyll so that they live as heterotrophic type organisms, and can move the body to find food or defend themselves from predators or predators.
There are about one million species of animals with a very diverse structure and body shape. Animals occupy almost all ecosystems on earth, but most species of animals live in water. The animals are further clarified based on certain criteria. In this universe live various kinds of animals.
Animals are classified according to their habitat, manner of breeding, body coverings, food, and movements.
- Classification of animals based on where they live is divided into 3 types, namely 1) Animals that live on land, 2) Animals that live in water, 3) Animals that live in water and land (Amphibians).
- Classification of animals based on breeding can be divided into 3 types, namely in Ovivar (laying eggs), Vivivar (giving birth / giving birth) and Ovovivivar (laying eggs and giving birth).
- Types of animals based on their body coverings, namely 1) haired animals, 2) hairy animals, 3) scaly animals, 4) shelled animals.
- Classification of animals based on the type of food is classified into 3, namely 1) Plant-eating animals (herbivores), 2) Meat-eating animals (carnivores), 3) Animals that eat everything (omnivores).
The following are various animals in the world
1. Aardvark
Aardvarks are termite and ant-eating animals in Africa. His hearing was very sharp, so aardvark could hear the movements of insects under the ground. The name 'aardvark' was given by the Dutch who lived in Africa. Aardvark is the same size as a pig, but the ears are bigger and the snout is longer.
Aardvark dismantles termite nests to get tasty insects in it. Once the nest is open, aardvark immediately licks the termites. Aardvark has a 30 cm sticky tongue in its snout. The tongue is perfect for infecting the insect nests.2. Albatros

Anaconda is the largest snake in the world. Its weight can reach 100 kg, almost the same as the weight of a large pig. Anaconda lives in the forests of South America, hunting for prey in trees and rivers. Anaconda is called a convolute because it twists or clamps its prey to death before swallowing. Anaconda can catch large animals, like beaver that lives in water. After eating a beaver, an anaconda does not need to eat for a month.
4. Baboon
Baboons are large monkeys that live in groups of more than 100 baboons. Their food varies, from seeds, fruit, and grass, to animals and eggs. They live in the Arabian and southern Sahara deserts in Africa
Baboon spends his time caring for each other. therefore the relationship between mother and child, also between group members is very close. Their group consists of female baboons, male baboons, and led by one male baboon.
5. Badger

Badgers are more active at night, that's when they go out looking for food and gather straw to make beds. During the day, badgers stay in the hole that has been dug. As his family grew, they dug up several more rooms underground.
6. Bat
The bats have large ears, hairy body, and wings like skin. Bats are nocturnal mammals, which are mammals that look for food at night and sleep during the day in a cave or attic. Bats are the only mammals that can fly. It is agile and fast. When chasing a bat prey can turn upside down in the air.
Bats use sound to catch insects in the dark. They let out high-pitched screams that cannot be heard by humans. The reflection of the voice shows the location of its prey.
7. Bear
Bears are the biggest meat-eating animals in the world. There are various kinds of bears, most of which live in the northern hemisphere. Thick fur protects them from the cold
The bear is very strong and big, the nails are strong and the smell is sharp. The Alaskan Kodiac Bear is the largest. It weighs 800 kg and if it stands, its height can reach 4 meters.
In winter, bears look for a comfortable place to hibernate. Hibernation is a long sleep for weeks. With sleep, the bear's body works more slowly to store energy. While in the fall, American black bears hunt for salmon, eat berries and honey. By eating a lot of bears can save energy for a long hibernation.
8. Beaver
Beavers live near rivers in North America and Northern Europe. Beavers make houses by cutting down trees with their front teeth.
Adult beavers enter their homes via underwater passages and bring food to their children. The beaver boy lives with his family for 2 years. After that, they went to make their own homes.
9. Beetle
There are more than a quarter-million species of beetles in the world. The shapes and sizes vary, but they all have a pair of soft wings that are folded and protected by a hard outer cover. Some types of water beetles prey on tadpoles and baby fish. Before diving, beetles appear on the surface of the water to collect air under the wing protectors. Dung beetles roll dirt into a ball and lay eggs in it. When the eggs hatch, beetle larvae will eat the droppings.
10. Bird
Birds exist throughout the world and there are about 10,000 species. Birds are the only animals that have feathers and wings, but not all of them can fly. All birds lay eggs and most make nests to raise their young.
Almost all birds, their bones are light, their chest muscles are strong, their beaks are hard, and their eyes are on both sides of their heads. Generally, all birds chirp to talk to each other.
Bird feathers are usually pale in color so they can be hidden in the surrounding environment. Birds adapt to their homes and prey.
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