November 2020 - Nawang's Journal

Minggu, 08 November 2020

Cerita Pendek: "The Perfect Life"
November 08, 20200 Comments


Hellooo everyone!

Nice to see you again in "It's Story Time!" update. In this update I will share a short story that I wrote entitled 'The Perfect Life'. And I'll share it in two versions, the English version and the Indonesian version. Enjoy your reading time!

The Perfect Life

English version

In a beautiful and shady forest, live various kinds of animals. There is a rabbit who always plays cheerfully around the forest with the deer, his friend. There is an elephant who always looks engrossed in playing and drinking river water through his long trunks. There is a monkey who likes to play from the tree branch where he lives to the other tree branches. There is the lion the king of the jungle who take care of the other animals and also the forest they live in. They all live friendly in the forest. The forest where they live is close to a beautiful and beautiful village too.

One sunny morning. As they prepare to play in the forest, the rabbit sees a large tall tree in the forest being cut by one of the villagers. The rabbit was shocked and immediately told his other friends. The lion did not accept the forest he guarded was destroyed by humans. "Let's go there now!" said the lion. They hurried to the place where the trees were cut. How surprised they turned out that many trees had been cut down. They want to fight but the villagers gather too much there. They were afraid to go there, instead, they were killed as a dinner for the villagers.

"It's too crowded here, let's just go back now". The lion invited his friends back sadly. The other animals sadly followed. During the trip, they were silent and only thought of their place of residence that would be damaged by the villagers. After arriving at the place they used to sleep and play. The elephant voiced "What should we do now?" his face looks sad. "Will we not have a place to live anymore?" said the deer. Nobody answered. They all fell silent and sad thinking about how their lives will be.

Day by day, the trees in the forest are getting fewer. Residents only cut down and never plant trees again. The animals in the forest find it increasingly difficult to survive.

At night, suddenly there was very heavy rain. The rain continued until the next day. Residents and animals in the forest are worried. If it continues like this, floods might occur. In the end what they were worried about happened. All the houses were flooded. Likewise, the forest in which animals live is also flooded because of the lack of trees that function to absorb water.

The animals were carried by the flood current to the villagers' homes. Eventually, they were forced to stay there to protect themselves from the torrential flood currents. But the presence of animals in the homes of villagers frightened the children of the villagers. The villagers also could not bear to drive away from the animals when the flood current was swift.

In the end, one of the villagers who felled the tree realized that the presence of the animals in the village was due to their act of cutting trees in the forest. Though forests need trees so that animals can live happily there. The next day, the flood had begun to shrink. The woodcutter invited other villagers to plant trees back together in the forest.

Now, animals are back to living happily in the forest because their home has returned ...

Indonesian version

Di suatu hutan yang indah dan rindang, hiduplah berbagai macam jenis hewan. Ada kelinci yang selalu bermain dengan riang mengelilingi hutan bersama dengan temannya si kancil. Ada gajah yang selalu terlihat asyik bermain dan meminum air sungai melalui belalainya yang panjang. Ada monyet yang senang bermain dari ranting pohon tempat dia tinggal ke ranting pohon yang lainnya. Ada singa si raja hutan yang menjaga hewan-hewan lainnya dan juga hutan yang mereka tinggali. Mereka semua hidup bersahabat didalam hutan. Hutan tempat mereka tinggal dekat dengan desa yang indah dan asri pula.

Suatu ketika di pagi yang cerah. Di saat mereka bersiap untuk bermain dihutan, si kelinci melihat pohon tinggi yang besar di dalam hutan sedang di potong oleh salah satu penduduk desa. Si kelinci terkejut dan langsung memberitahu teman-temannya yang lain. Si singa tidak terima hutan yang dijaga nya dirusak oleh manusia. “Ayo kita kesana sekarang!” kata si singa. Mereka bergegas ke tempat pohon-pohon itu ditebang. Alangkah terkejutnya mereka ternyata sudah banyak pohon yang ditebang. Mereka ingin melawan namun penduduk desa terlalu banyak berkumpul disana. Mereka takut jika kesana, malah mereka yang dibunuh sebagai santapan makan malam para penduduk desa.

“Terlalu ramai disini, ayo kita kembali saja sekarang”. Si singa mengajak teman-temannya kembali dengan sedih. Hewan-hewan yang lain pun dengan sedih mengikuti. Selama perjalanan mereka terdiam dan hanya memikirkan tempat tinggal mereka yang akan dirusak oleh penduduk desa. Setelah sampai ditempat mereka biasa tidur dan bermain. Si gajah bersuara “Apa yang harus kita lakukan sekarang?” raut wajahnya terlihat sedih. “Apakah kita tidak akan punya tempat tinggal lagi?” kata si kancil. Tidak ada satupun yang menjawab. Mereka semua terdiam ketakutan dan sedih memikirkan bagaimana kehidupan mereka nanti.

Hari berganti hari, pohon-pohon dihutan semakin sedikit. Para penduduk hanya menebang dan tidak pernah menanam pohon kembali. Para hewan didalam hutan semakin sulit bertahan hidup.

Saat malam hari, tiba-tiba saja terjadi hujan yang sangat lebat. Hujan tersebut terus bertahan sampai keesokan harinya. Para penduduk maupun para hewan didalam hutan khawatir. Jika seperti ini terus bisa-bisa terjadi banjir. Pada akhirnya apa yang mereka khawatirkan terjadi. Semua rumah-rumah penduduk terendam oleh banjir. Begitu pula hutan tempat para hewan tinggal juga terendam oleh banjir karna sedikitnya pohon yang berfungsi menyerap air.

Para hewan terbawa arus banjir hingga ke rumah penduduk desa. Akhirnya mereka terpaksa berdiam disana untuk berlindung dari arus banjir yang deras. Namun keberadaan para hewan di rumah penduduk desa banyak membuat anak-anak penduduk desa ketakutan. Para penduduk desa juga tidak tega untuk mengusir para hewan disaat arus banjir sedang deras.

Pada akhirnya salah satu penduduk yang menebang pohon menyadari bahwa kehadiran para hewan ke desa adalah karena ulah mereka sendiri yang memotong pohon-pohon di dalam hutan. Padahal hutan memerlukan pohon agar para hewan bisa hidup dengan bahagia disana. Keesokan harinya, banjir sudah mulai menyusut. Si penebang pohon tersebut mengajak penduduk desa yang lain agar bersama-sama menanam pohon kembali di hutan.

Sekarang, hewan-hewan kembali hidup bahagia di dalam hutan karena tempat tinggal mereka telah kembali…


Reading Time:
November 08, 20200 Comments


My personal blog in Click here (you can visit me by clicking this link or find me by search my account = @naawangsh)

Hello everyone! 

I started to write on Kompasiana. So far, I've written some articles, that are:

1. Perlukah Kebijakan Social Distancing?

2. Online Learning or Face to Face Learning?

Thank you and see you on other updates in my blog

Have a nice day and stay safe!

Reading Time:

Sabtu, 07 November 2020

Discuss With Me: An Ideal Teacher
November 07, 20200 Comments


An Ideal Teacher in My Opinion

            Teachers have an important role in education. Not only teaching, but a teacher must also be able to educate his students to be better, especially in terms of attitude. To be able to teach and educate students it will be better if the teacher first takes a significant approach to students so that students can be excited in the learning process. Because based on my personal experience, I interest in a subject is because the teacher of that subject can attract my attention. More clearly, the teacher has the criteria for the ideal teacher in my opinion. However, of course, every student has different views regarding the criteria for an ideal teacher.

I have several criteria for the ideal teacher. The first is a teacher who has a sense of humor. The point is that in the teaching and learning process the teacher can create a friendly classroom situation by inserting light jokes when explaining a material. I think this can make students feel close to the teacher so that later they will not hesitate to ask questions or express opinions.

The second is coherent in explaining. I think every student agrees that ideally, teachers should have criteria like this. Sometimes the beginning of cases where students are bored learning in class is because the teacher who teaches is too convoluted in explaining the material. For this reason, the teacher with the ability to explain the material well will get a good impression from the students because they do not feel in vain listening to it for a long time but do not catch the material being taught.

               The third is not comparing students. No one student in this world who wants to be compared with other students. Sometimes teachers think that comparing is an instant way to motivate students to change. It is a big mistake. The teacher should have understood that students have different personalities and strategies in learning. Some students are normal, slow, and fast learning. It is the teacher's job to help students 'learning problems instead of reducing their students' motivation to learn.

The fourth is a teacher who can be a role model for the students. In this case, it means that the teacher has successfully stolen the student’s heart. But it doesn’t mean that students want to become teachers too. It could be that students want to follow the spirit, behavior, or achievements of the teacher. If there is a teacher that I consider as a role model, it means I really like him/her from any aspect.

Even though I have the criteria for an ideal teacher, that doesn't mean I don't respect teachers who don't fit into the criteria for an ideal teacher in my opinion. The duties and services of teachers are very noble, we must thank the teachers for the knowledge they provide.

Reading Time:

Kamis, 05 November 2020

Creative Writing Mid Test: Kumpulan Sajak Coretan Pena
November 05, 20200 Comments

Nama: Nawangsih

NIM: A1B218071


Alamat Blog : Klik disini (username: naawangsh)


    Menurut Waluyo (2002:25) : "Puisi adalah suatu bentuk karya sastra yang mengungkapkan pikiran dan perasaan penyair secara imajinatif dan disusun dengan mengkonsentrasikan semua kekuatan bahasa dengan pengkonsentrasian struktur fisik dan struktur batinnya".
    Dibawah ini adalah lima karya puisi ciptaan saya dengan topik yang berbeda-beda.

1. Topik Cinta

Narasiku Untukmu

Kepadamu sang pemilik hati,

Dengarkanlah bisikku yang lara

‘Kan kubagikan rahasia hati

Tentang aku yang derana

Menyebutmu sebagai pengisi relung hati


Kepadamu sang gelora hati,

Tak terhitung gejolak rindu kurasakan

T’lah kularang sendu menghampiri

Karena rasa ini

Bukanlah sebuah kekalahan


Kepadamu sang pencuri hati,

Aku hendak merakit kisah ini

Tapi naif merundung anganku

‘Ku percaya sang waktu  yang ‘kan menuliskan

Kisah yang tak pernah usai walau tanpa dimulai


Kepadamu sang risalah hati,

Jikalau bukan aku yang ‘kan menggenggam tanganmu

Berbahagialah atas pilihanmu

Rasa ini tak ‘kan pernah menerbitkan secercah penyesalan

Karena hadirmu bukanlah setetes kesia-siaan

2. Topik Alam

Rinduku Kepada Rintik Malam

Malam ini rintik hujan menyapa

Semilir angin pun ikut menemani

‘Ku pandangi jendela yang berembun

Terpatri jelas hangat sapanya

Membuatku ingin merengkuhnya


Adalah hujan yang rintiknya menenangkan

Kehadirannya selalu kutunggu

Kepergiannya tak kuinginkan

Di kegelapan malam ini

‘Kan kuizinkan dia jadi sang belenggu


Dingin darinya adalah hangatku

Rintik darinya adalah canduku

Menenangkan relung kalbu

Di keheningan malam ini

‘Kan kudengarkan senandung merdu


Adalah aku yang merindukan hujan

Rintiknya semerdu alunan

Membawa rasa pada kenangan

Di keindahan malam ini

‘Ku ingin hujan ‘kan tetap menemani

Karena rinduku tiada henti bersemi

3. Topik Orangtua



Aku tumbuh dalam dekapanmu

Merasakan hangatnya belaianmu

Apalah arti hidupku tanpamu

Mungkin aku akan jadi sang kelabu



Hidupku beriring dengan langkahmu

Berjalan tapak setapak seakan menggebu

Tak peduli hingar bingar mengganggu

Karena doa mu kuyakin aku ‘kan mampu



Tiada tara cintamu

Dirimu laksana surgaku

Jika takdir merestui pintaku

Ku mau ‘kan terus menemukanmu


Engkaulah ibuku,

Walau sejuta terima kasih kuucapkan

Tak ‘kan sebanding dengan muliamu

Meski kubawa seribu bintang kehadapanmu

Tak ‘kan mampu mengalahkan binar kasihmu

4. Topik Motivasi


Kadang aku rindu masa kecil

Dimana tangisku segera reda

Hanya karena diberi sebuah permen


Kadang aku rindu masa kecil

Dimana aku bisa berlarian bebas

Tanpa takut jatuh untuk kesekian kali


Kadang aku rindu masa kecil

Dimana kekhawatiran terbesarku

Hanyalah bagaimana menjelaskan hilangnya pensil warnaku


Kini aku t’lah dewasa

Sadarku bahwa semua tak ‘kan lagi sama

Siap tidak siap aku harus menerima


Tumbuh dewasa bukan kesalahan

Jangan takut untuk jatuh

Jangan menyerah untuk bangkit


Hidup adalah tantangan

Menang atau kalah

Akulah yang menentukan




Aku pasti bisa melewati

5. Topik Pendidikan dan Guru

Sang Pelita


Tanpa mengenal lelah

Kau isi duniaku yang kosong

Kau tuntun aku selangkah demi selangkah


Wahai guruku,

Ku genggam sebongkah ilmu yang kau beri

Ilmu yang bermakna dan berseri

Untuk bekalku nanti


Engkaulah guruku,

Sungguh mulia dirimu

Sang pahlawan tanpa tanda jasa

Sang penerang jalanku yang kelam


Hadirmu adalah segalanya

Tanpa engkau

Bagaimana aku ‘kan memahami dunia?

Bagaimana aku ‘kan menggapai asa ku?


Oh guruku

Terima kasih atas jasamu

Doaku selalu menyertaimu

Sang pelita duniaku

Reading Time:
